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MeTime sessions for carers 

Our MeTime online sessions are designed to inform you of your rights and to support your wellbeing. 

Sessions vary from practical advice on carers' rights and caring to a set of holistic wellbeing sessions that range from confidence-building to creative opportunities like crafting.  

Sessions are open to anyone across the UK.

Please be aware these sessions are run by Carers Wales and information sessions are based on Welsh legislation. 

Below you will find details of the sessions coming up. To sign up, click the link and fill out a short registration form. We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly and supportive sessions!




Are you looking to develop your confidence, return to work or volunteering after caring, or simply want to set some future goals for your life?

Rediscover You is a nine-week course starting in September that has been specifically designed to help current and former unpaid carers find a new route into returning to work, opening up their own business or taking steps towards their personal development.

Monday 5 August - 2-3pm: Book club

Come along to our informal and relaxed book club session! The session is a chance for carers to get together and take some time for themselves, have a chat with like-minded people and share the escapism of getting lost in a good book. If it is your first session, just bring your favourite book, we'd love to hear a bit about why it's your favourite.

Thursday 8 August 11am-12pm: Geo Gessr

Do you like geography? Join us for an online game of Geo Gessr! A geography game, in which you are dropped somewhere in the world in a street view panorama and your mission is to find clues and guess your location on the world map. No experience required just join the Zoom session and we'll explain how to play.

Tuesday 13 August - 1-2pm: Money Matters for Carers

Join our Information and Advice Officer as she goes through the money support options going into the winter and the other ways you may be able to access financial support.

Thursday 15 August - 11am-12pm: PAPYRUS, Prevention of Young Suicide. 

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. PAPYRUS exists to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives, by shattering the stigma surrounding suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to emotional distress.

Thursday 29 August - 11am-12pm: Crafty catch up

Join this online session to meet other carers whilst working on your latest craft project. Whether it is knitting, crochet, diamond dot art, card making, quilling, rock painting, jewellery making or simply anything you enjoy making. This session is informal and a chance to chat, create and connect with other carers.


Monday 2 September - 2-3pm: Book club

Come along to our informal and relaxed book club session! The session is a chance for carers to get together and take some time for themselves, have a chat with like-minded people and share the escapism of getting lost in a good book. If it is your first session, just bring your favourite book, we'd love to hear a bit about why it's your favourite.

Thursday 5 September - 1.30-2.30pm: Decluttering with Jane Breeze
This is an opportunity to explore different ways to declutter your home, garage or attic, and to look at the various reasons why we put it off. We'll follow the basic ground rules that everything you own should be functional, in working order, in it's 'place' or just be something you love. We can look at some quick fixes to get you started, so that you'll notice how much more you begin to enjoy your space. There might be an added feel-good feeling when we can sell or give things to others who might really want them!
Tuesday 10 September 2-3pm: Welsh Water Dwr Cymru

Are you a carer or being cared for by someone?

Did you know that you may be eligible for a cheaper water bill, and other free support services from Welsh Water?

Join Jody on the call to learn something new, and get the help that you may be missing out on.

Wednesday 11 September 1-2pm: Caregiving – how to avoid burnout with Hazel Carter

An informative and thought provoking talk from award winning author Hazel Carter.
Being an unpaid carer for a loved one is one of the hardest jobs in the world, especially if that loved one has a terminal or rapidly progressing condition.

Hazel was working full time and caring for her mum who had vascular dementia when suddenly her husband was told he had six months to two years to live. Caught between very different caring duties Hazel had to quickly work out priorities and find ways to cope.

Find out how Hazel managed to juggle the hectic world she found herself in, hear about the different things she did to look after herself and learn from the lessons she now shares with carers across the UK.

Thursday 12 September 11am-12pm:
Stretch out tension, relax and breathe session

Join this 20 minute stretch out tension, relax and breathe session with yoga teacher Carol Young from Cardiff. This session will be suitable for all. Learn ways to manage your stress throughout the day and night. Carol found yoga over 45 years ago and has been teaching for 25 years. We will be sitting and standing, ordinary clothes are fine.


Tuesday 17 September - 1-2pm: Neurodivergent family support session

The National Neurodivergence team provides free to access resources and training about neurodivergence, helping to improve the lives of neurodivergent people and their families in Wales. During this session, Ben Ewart-Dean, Family Support Officer for the team will outline some of the information available on the Autism Wales/Neurodivergence Wales website that can support neurodivergent families.

Friday 20 September 11am-12pm: Welsh Water Dwr Cymru

Are you a carer or being cared for by someone?

Did you know that you may be eligible for a cheaper water bill, and other free support services from Welsh Water?

Join Jody on the call to learn something new, and get the help that you may be missing out on.

Wednesday 25 September - 12-1pm: Balancing work and care? What you need to know

Do you balance paid employment and unpaid care? Find out about your rights including the Carers Leave Act and what support you can request from your workplace.

Thursday 26 September, 11am-12pm: Social enterprise and starting your own self-employment business (with Cwmpas and Business Wales)

Nia Lloyd-Jones from Business Wales will provide a brief introduction on becoming self-employed and outline what you should consider when starting a business. We will introduce you to understanding your responsibilities with HMRC, compliance obligations, promoting your services, networking and marketing and making sure you have enough money to live on. It will be an informal session and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

The session will also help you to gain an understanding of non-profit legal structures, investigate the idea and benefits of cooperation and how the social services and Well Being Act (Wales) sets out the duty of local authorities to support co-operatives with examples.


Wednesday 2 October - 11am-12pm: Crafty catch up

Join this online session to meet other carers whilst working on your latest craft project. Whether it is knitting, crochet, diamond dot art, card making, quilling, rock painting, jewellery making or simply anything you enjoy making. This session is informal and a chance to chat, create and connect with other carers.

Friday 4 October 1.30-2.30pm: Healthy homes and healthy people

Warm Wales are committed to healthy homes and healthy people. We work across Wales supporting people to have warmer, safer, healthier homes. We aim to tackle fuel poverty, reduce avoidable health inequalities, and improve wellbeing. We have an easy-to-use self-referral system and a friendly and supportive team ready to offer help and advice.

Monday 7 October, 2-3pm: Book club

Come along to our informal and relaxed book club session! The session is a chance for carers to get together and take some time for themselves, have a chat with like-minded people and share the escapism of getting lost in a good book. If it is your first session, just bring your favourite book, we'd love to hear a bit about why it's your favourite.

Wednesday 9 October - 11am-12pm: Eat smart save better

Eat smart save better is a one hour session exploring ways to eat healthily, use store cupboard ingredients and provide tips for saving money when food shopping.

Monday 14 October, 11am-12pm: Wellbeing in nature

Dawn Parker, Horticultural Therapy Practitioner and Project Development Officer, works within a community garden and woodland in Pontypridd, South Wales. She will discuss how gardening and nature can serve as therapeutic interventions to enhance physical and mental wellbeing.

Some of the benefits of therapeutic horticulture include:

  • Stress and pain reduction.
  • Improved mood.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • A sense of connection to nature.
  • Fostering independence and self-esteem.

Discover how to use indoor gardening, along with nature-inspired crafts and connections to achieve your own wellbeing goals.

Wednesday 16 October - 1.30-2.30pm: Mental resilience and wellbeing for carers

In this session we are joined by Kerry Seymour from Inspired to Change and will look at:

  • what is meant by resilience and wellbeing?
  • the impact of stress
  • how stress is created in the brain
  • tools and techniques to reduce stress and boost resilience.
Thursday 17 October 10.30am-12.30pm: Self-advocacy session for unpaid carers

Struggling to get your voice heard? This session will look at key tips and strategies that can support you to get your voice heard when dealing with services, organisations or people involved with you or the person you care for. We'll cover topics including:

  • Your rights as carers
  • Ways to communicate more effectively
  • Preparing for meetings
  • Dealing with emotions that inhibit self expression
  • The importance of self-awareness
Wednesday 23 October - 1-2pm: Direct payments

This session will cover what 'direct payments' are and how they work.


Monday 4 November, 2-3pm: Book club

Come along to our informal and relaxed book club session! The session is a chance for carers to get together and take some time for themselves, have a chat with like-minded people and share the escapism of getting lost in a good book. If it is your first session, just bring your favourite book, we'd love to hear a bit about why it's your favourite.

Tuesday 5 November: Crafty catch-up, 11am-12pm

Join this online session to meet other carers whilst working on your latest craft project. Whether it is knitting, crochet, diamond dot art, card making, quilling, rock painting, jewellery making or simply anything you enjoy making. This session is informal and a chance to chat, create and connect with other carers.

Tuesday 12 November, 2-3.30pm: First aid training

This interactive first aid online workshop helps adults learn basic lifesaving skills using everyday objects. The workshop is not accredited, but is a free and simple way to improve your first aid knowledge and build confidence.

Monday 25 November, 11am-12pm: Carers Rights

Join our Information and Advice Officer Nia to explore carers rights in Wales and what you can do to secure your rights.

Wednesday 27 November, 1.30-2.30pm: Bryn Eryr (Iron Age) with Museum Wales

We are joined by the Museum Wales to find out what life in Wales was like 2,000 years ago. Join our resident Celt for a virtual tour of Bryn Eryr, our Iron Age roundhouses. Discover why the fire was so important, what food was eaten, and how clothes were made.

Wednesday 27 November - 12-1pm: Balancing work and care? What you need to know

Do you balance paid employment and unpaid care? Find out about your rights including the Carers Leave Act and what support you can request from your workplace.

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